our mission
The mission of the North Alabama Coalition for the Homeless (NACH) is to educate the public regarding homelessness, and to coordinate and facilitate the efforts of agencies, communities and concerned citizens into a seamless Continuum of Care (CoC) to affect positive solutions to homelessness in Madison, Morgan and Limestone counties of North Alabama.
Make a Donation
Become a Member
A Message From Current Board President, Violet Edwards
There are two (3) types of NACH Memberships available – Individual, Regular Agency Membership& CoC Grant Awarded Agency Membership.
Both Individual and Agency Memberships allow your participation in NACH’s membership meetings (3rd Wed. quarterly) as a voting member for matters brought before the NACH members.
Agency Membership also allows your agency to have the status of NACH Member when applying for grants from local, state and federal government sources (must be active in NACH, meaning attending at least 70% of meetings). All agencies requesting access to the Homelessness Management Information System(HMIS) must be a NACH Continuum of Care Member. You will be added to our special e-mail list, specifically for our member agencies, advising you of available grants and other pertinent information.
As a member of NACH you agree to agree to discuss and release pertinent information with other NACH Agency Members as it relates to services being provided for clients seeking homelessness intervention and prevention services.
About NACH
The North Alabama Coalition for the Homeless was established in 1997. Our executive director, Mrs. Lineise Arnold, was hired in April 2009 to handle the day to day operations of the organization. We currently hold Continuum No. AL-503 and are a documented 501(c)3 non-profit corporation with offices located in Huntsville, Alabama off Sparkman Drive. In addition, we have a Satellite Office generously donated to us by the Huntsville Main Library.
Executive Director, Lineise Arnold
Covid-19 Amended Hours
Library Hours
Appointments are strongly encouraged.
Monday thru Thursday 10 AM to 2 PM
Meal packs issued: 10:00 to 10:30 am*
Bus tickets/Transportation Consideration: 10:00 to 10:45 am*
*These items are issued outside in front of the library.
Walk-in Client Services Sign-In: 10:00 am to 1:30 pm.
Phone-in Coordinated Assessment assistance is STRONGLY encouraged.
Call 256-261-3029 Monday thru Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm,
and Friday 8:00 am to 11:30 am.
For utilities assistance please call Community Action’s automated line at 256-907-1550.
Our Partners & Supporters
- Lorem ipsum
- Consectetuer.
- Aliquam tincidunt
- Mauris eu risus
- Vestibulum
- Auctor dapibus
- Neque
- Nunc dignissim
- Risus id metus
- Cras ornare
- Tristique elit
- Vivamus vestibulum
- Ntulla nec ante
- Praesent placerat
- Risus quis eros
- Fusce pellentesque
- Suscipit nibh.
- Integer vitae
- Vestibulum commodo
- Felis quis
- Ut aliquam
- Sollicitudin leo
- Cras iaculis
- Ultricies nulla
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